*The estimated drive away price is based on a vehicle being garaged in the postcode listed and on the owner being a 'rating one' driver aged 40 with a good driving record. The estimated drive away price includes 12 months registration, 12 months compulsory third party insurance (CTP), an estimated Dealer delivery charge, stamp duty and other applicable statutory charges. Your actual drive away price may differ depending on your individual circumstances or choice of insurer. Statutory charges are current on the day you are using this build and price tool. ^Factory option prices are recommended and are displayed as Manufacturer List Price (MLP). Estimated drive away prices cannot be calculated until all options are selected. Refer to summary page for estimated drive away price. Every effort has been made to accurately depict colours on this site. Due to differences in computer equipment, some variations may occur. See your authorised Ford Dealer to view the actual colours. ¹Fitted RRP (including GST) for Dealer fitted accessory at participating dealers. Based on RRP for accessory, standard labour time and recommended hourly labour rate. Please consult with an authorised Ford dealer for the most up to date information about features, specifications, prices optional equipment and availability before you decide to place an order.
^Escape ST-Line Plug-In Hybrid is available from late 2021.