Can I Submit New Ideas to Ford Motor Company?
Ford Motor Company has established a global, centralised process for handling all new ideas which it receives. Ford's Consumer Innovation Office has been established to review product ideas and suggestions from the public and non-traditional suppliers. It receives ideas that could improve current and future products. Many of these ideas and suggestions are channelled from external sources into Ford Motor Company's research and development departments for further evaluation.
To protect everyone involved, we refer all inquiries to the Consumer Innovation Office website at We are also required to destroy any communications received. Please be assured this website has been designed to streamline the process of submitting and reviewing all new ideas for our products. Submissions will be easier, our response times will be shorter and we will be better able to distribute properly submitted ideas for review. Once we receive your idea through the process outlined on our website, we can pass it along to the appropriate individuals for review.
If you need any assistance in the process of submitting your idea, please email and one of our staff will get back to you as soon as possible.
We thank you for taking the trouble to submit your idea to us, and wish you every success and all the best in the future.